
Showing posts from 2015

Reject This Bible!

Ok, so all the sex talk is fun but I also have other important things to talk about. With the elections for president of the US coming up the national freak show also known as the Republican Party has their field of candidates spewing forth their dog whistles and propaganda to rally their base of racists, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-intellectuals, class elitists, and.......devoutly religious christians. Some of the clowns  candidates are trying to be more pious than the others, thinking that the religious base is their ticket to electabilty, and they are openly advocating turning the US into a theocracy (christian, of course). At times it seems to me that the US already is a theocracy, and that the majority of the country is devoutly religious. Polls show that something on the order of %80 of Americans identify as affiliated to a religion, although many of those might be affiliating themselves culturally or not wanting to "out" themselves as doubters, non-believers, ...


Well, a lot has happened since my last post..... I've met a wonderful woman through OKCupid who is new to yet very enthusiastic about polyamory. She is recently divorced after a long marriage, and now exploring a world that she feels she was meant to live in, yet never knew that it existed for her. I met S after a few emails back and forth at a coffee shop after work. A very attractive natural redhead, early 50's, killer smile and a twinkle in her eye. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, the vibe was easy and not coerced. We moved on to dinner at a Puerto Rican restaurant and shared more conversation and gleefully discovered our shared tastes in food (Black Beans! Plantains!). After dinner we were out on the street saying goodbye and starting to kiss and embrace, which turned into a make-out session on the street. Right from the get go S has been very eager to talk about polyamory and the other men in her life. R is a fellow that she particularly likes so much that ...

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Sadly, I have broken up a relationship with a woman that I love. M and I have known each other for about 12 years. She was my introduction to Polyamory, a good friend, an ally, a dear lover, a soulmate, and a human being that I genuinely feel love in my heart for. And I had to end it. M was not my wife. I am still married happily to D and living a blissful life with her and that relationship is still strong and healthy. My relationship with M was always as live apart, occasional sleepover friends. We met years ago when I answered a Craigslist ad from M seeking a fuck buddy. At the time, I was single and unattached and M was a bisexual in a lesbian couple that lived together. We connected and hit it off, had great times together and grew closer than just being fuck buddies. We genuinely loved each other and expressed that to each other. It was polyamory heaven. Then things changed. I met D and started dating her, and that was developing into a very special relationship. Shor...