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Ok, so all the sex talk is fun but I also have other important things to talk about. With the elections for president of the US coming up the national freak show also known as the Republican Party has their field of candidates spewing forth their dog whistles and propaganda to rally their base of racists, homophobes, xenophobes, anti-intellectuals, class elitists, and.......devoutly religious christians. Some of the clowns candidates are trying to be more pious than the others, thinking that the religious base is their ticket to electabilty, and they are openly advocating turning the US into a theocracy (christian, of course). At times it seems to me that the US already is a theocracy, and that the majority of the country is devoutly religious. Polls show that something on the order of %80 of Americans identify as affiliated to a religion, although many of those might be affiliating themselves culturally or not wanting to "out" themselves as doubters, non-believers, ...