I recently achieved a few long standing goals of mine all in one night, and it was one of the best experiences I have had in my life (so far). I had a BDSM bisexual foursome! It all started a few months ago when I was perusing the Craigslist personals on a rare whim. Most of the time I have done this I either don't find what I am looking for or something that sounds great is too far away geographically, so I never set my expectations high when looking at ads. Mostly I do it for amusement or the offhand chance that I might find that gem of the right fit for me. Well, this was the latter. I found an ad of a couple that sounded like a good fit for me and they listed specific criteria that was a close match for me. I answered the ad, heard back from the male half of the couple and we started corresponding back and forth, then met for a walk and chat. Sir is a Dom who is bisexual. He has a stocky build, nice eyes, killer smile, and a very nice grounded personality. His girlfriend ...