
Showing posts from 2018


Im now settling back into my reading chair after a day where I got up early, packed up my car with all my possessions that I've had with me for a year and a half of living remotely from my house, cleaned up the house I was renting and drove three hours through the mountains to come home. My new job offers me a short commute, higher wage, less stress, etc. Most importantly, I will have more opportunity to get together with my tribe now and engage in hot kinky bisexual threesomes and moresomes. My year and a half of living on the remote coast was a good experience for me professionally, but almost all other aspects of my life suffered. I'm glad to be home again. I have a lot of catching up to do with spending time with my wife, home improvement projects, and exploring my perverted sexuality.

It's been a while...

I know.  I could resort to the usual excuse of being too busy but I have been in an existential and literary funk for a while, and change is coming soon again. A new opportunity is available to me that will have me relocating back to where I want to be, living more of the lifestyle I want to live. Stay tuned. In the meantime;

Racism, the Alt-Right

I came across this TEDtalk on Youtube and found it very interesting Speaker Theo E.J. Wilson points out something that I have felt for a long time, that a lot of the problems we have today in the US are a result of decades of poor education. We have a whole population that doesn't know it's history, doesn't know how to research facts, doesn't know how to critically think, and gets it's information packaged and propagandized to them from select filtered sources.