
Showing posts from May, 2016


Much to my surprise, this blog has had over 1,200 page views....I never thought it would have gotten that much. I started it as a stream of consciousness expression of things I have on my mind. At the bottom of each posting is a link to leave a comment. I invite people to leave comments, ask questions, and to generally give feedback. 

Poly Jealousy

The other day I was talking with Sir on the subject of jealousy, specifically the feelings involved with watching or knowing that your loved one is having sex with someone else. This is something that comes up a lot in polyamory. My lovely wife of ten years is asexual, towards me at any rate. She does not desire sex. She is affectionate, warm, loves to cuddle and be intimate, but she does not desire orgasms or any sexual act, at least with me. When we first opened our marriage five years ago, she did try out a relationship with a guy who lived in another part of the state several hours drive away. She went away for a four day weekend to spend some time with him. After she returned home we went for our usual afternoon walk and I asked her how things went. She said that she had a good time. I asked her if she had sex with him and she said that they did. I asked her if she enjoyed it and she said that she did. I asked if she was planning to see him again and she said yes, which I e...

Foursome Part II, and then a Threesome!

We did it again..... The four of us got together for another awesome foursome session, this time things went even better than the last. Two weeks or so after our first foursome, we made plans to get together again, this time we had the benefit of discussing what worked for us and what didn't. It also worked out that while I was having to drive through some of what is considered to be one of the worst metro traffic areas of the country, I was off work early enough to grab a bite to eat and make it to Sub's house right on time. By the time I got there my meal was digested and I was ready to get to play.  After a little bit of casual chat Sir ordered us into action. Dutifully we obeyed. Sub commenting on how much she was enjoying herself that evening.  Sub has a Phd in cocksucking.  Scooter wanted to get dressed up for this session. Thats Sub burying her tongue in my ass while Sir was feeding his cock to me and Scooter. Notice the ...