Poly Jealousy

The other day I was talking with Sir on the subject of jealousy, specifically the feelings involved with watching or knowing that your loved one is having sex with someone else. This is something that comes up a lot in polyamory.

My lovely wife of ten years is asexual, towards me at any rate. She does not desire sex. She is affectionate, warm, loves to cuddle and be intimate, but she does not desire orgasms or any sexual act, at least with me. When we first opened our marriage five years ago, she did try out a relationship with a guy who lived in another part of the state several hours drive away. She went away for a four day weekend to spend some time with him. After she returned home we went for our usual afternoon walk and I asked her how things went. She said that she had a good time. I asked her if she had sex with him and she said that they did. I asked her if she enjoyed it and she said that she did. I asked if she was planning to see him again and she said yes, which I encouraged her to do and to invite her new boyfriend to come to our place to visit if they wanted.

While she was telling me all this I was processing my own feelings about what happened. My significant other had sex with another guy and enjoyed it. Sex with me usually had her waiting for me to hurry up and finish, as it was just a big physical chore to her. Despite all of my attempts to "Please" her, nothing I did ever seemed to get her fired up like all of the other lovers I have ever had. To me, pleasing my partner is the goal, not fucking to cum in five minutes. So here is the realization that I can't please my wife and some other guy can.

In the conventional monogamous world this is a relationship killer. If I had to spend the rest of my life exclusively with someone who didn't enjoy having sex with me, I would be looking to get out. But I think that I am made to be polyamorous and that is what has saved the relationship with my wife. As my wife was telling me about how she enjoyed having sex with this other guy, my emotions went from curiosity about the guy, what he did differently than me, what they looked like while having sex, visualizing that in my mind like watching a porn film, imaging her being raptured in ecstasy, and coming to the feelings of happiness and joy for her. She got to experience a wonderful human experience that everyone should have in their life and even though it didn't come from me it wasn't prevented from happening because of me.  

We have a wonderful together doing many activities together on the weekends and going on trips together. We cuddle in bed every night. We hold hands when we walk. We just don't have sex and we want each other to be happy, so that means allowing each other the space to go do that with others. Unfortunately, she only saw her friend a couple of times and then broke up and has not dated anyone since, and has not made any effort to "get out there" like I have.

But what about the situation for some where they are playing with their significant other and other people at the same time? I have not had that experience but I think I would do well with it. I can understand how it could be a bigger issue for others so I respect that. For me, sex can be a lot like dancing. My wife loves to dance, I can't dance. I'm perfectly happy to let her dance with someone else on the dance floor all night and would enjoy watching her enjoy herself. In the end, she will go home with me.


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