Ch-ch-ch-changes...... life and location.

Sometimes the best laid plans get changed for you against your wishes. I had a good thing going with my home life with my wife, my work life being local and high up on the totem pole of seniority, and my bisexual BDSM poly tribe that I was getting together with and exploring so much sexscape and having fantasies come to life. But then things changed at work and I was faced with a choice of being laid off and having to look for work in an area with a dearth of opportunities in my field, or taking a job far from home and having to move away, while advancing my career at a better venue. I chose the latter.

An almost 3 hour drive away from home over narrow, winding mountain roads is the small coastal town of Fort Bragg, California. It's in Mendocino County which is part of the Emerald Triangle. The views of the ocean are stunningly beautiful and the climate is mild, cool in the summer and warmed by the Pacific Ocean during the winter. At face value, it would seem like paradise to me....a liberal hippy town, lots of pot, lots of places to hike and play and enjoy the coast, and yes it has all that but in order to make all this work I've had to rent a room in a house so I can work 5 days a week then go home on the weekends to be with my wife.

Before I moved up here, my tribe was about a two hour drive away, which I was able to fit in with my work/home schedule to get together with them on Thursday nights. Now I'm over six hors away from them and there is no way I can get together with them on weeknights, and my weekends are now spent either with my wife or doing errands that built up during the week. I feared this is what would happen. I spend my life searching for relationship happiness and achieve the ultimate balance....a deep, loving committed relationship with my wife AND a group of beautiful men and a woman who totally understand my sexuality and celebrate it with equal enjoyment....and now I am back to masturbating in my room alone again.

Of course, I recognize the good fortune that I still have my the love of my wife and we talk on the phone every night that we are apart. I relish every minute I spend with her on the weekends. And I very much miss my tribe for not just the sexual adventures but the camaraderie that we shared that allowed me to truly be honest about myself and my desires. They are good people.

Now I am in a new town, and of course I've been looking online for fellow perverts to hook up with, to try and find a new "tribe" to restore that balance that I had before. Results have been disappointing so far.  <sigh> I could sure use some anal sex right now.



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