Post Election Rant

Now the US presidential elections are are past and my worst fears have come to pass....the president is going to be an obnoxious right-wing con man and the Republicans have more power than they did before. I'm disgusted with my country on so many levels, but mainly for falling for this obvious huckster and the cabal of regressive idiots, parasites, and theologogues (I just made that word up) that account for the Republican party.

It's not that I liked Hillary Clinton and wanted her as president, but I never believed the lies about her that the vast right wing conspiracy always told about her. I didn't agree with a lot of her policy decisions, but I never hated her for Benghazi, emails, being a supposed liberal, etc.  I like the idea of a woman president and after all the experiences of her career I think that she is eminently qualified for the office. Even if it was true that she is a secret lesbian than I would like it even more if she was elected then came out.

So at this point in time Trump (I refuse to call him "President T_____p") is putting together his cabinet and screwing that up. He's picking people that are racists, sexist, homophobic, and corruptly money-driven robber barons. I figured this is what would happen, but the worst part is all the conservative, neo-nazi, assholes feel empowered to to speak out and act out. They don't feel ashamed anymore.

Fortunately for me I live in a blue state in a liberally-mided area. I don't have to put with too much Trump supporter bullshit being in my face, but I do love the land of my country and the more than half of the people that voted for the path of progression.


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